Saturday, May 2, 2009

There's always a song in my head.

I decided that I've been getting more into music on the whole. I think a lot of it has to do with writing CD reviews for newspaper. I love writing these reviews, because there is simply so much put out that is absolutely terrible. It gives me an outlet to say how terrible I think something is. 
My music appreciation class has also given me a true appreciation of music, ironically enough. With that said, I decided to comprise a list of the most intriguing, interesting, and appealing sections that we've covered in the class thus far:

  • Classical. Usually, I am not a classical music person whatsoever, but Mozart is awesome. Why has no one ever made me aware of his amazingness??? I'm also just struck by the sad lives the artists of this time lived. I'm probably not going to become a classical music patron, but I didn't mind learning about this.
  • Messiah. We did a whole focus on Handel's Messiah in class. I loved it, because I really love Handel. He's my absolute favorite. Messiah is so not usually me, but I loved it when I saw it live. I also sang the Hallelujah chorus in Christmas choir once, and that gave it its special place in my heart.
  • Opera. I have only seen one opera, and I did not like it. But, the genre itself is intriguing to me, since it's so different from anything I experience on a typical day. We watched La Boheme in class, and I found it very interesting. I still have a hard time listening to the singing in opera, but I liked it on the whole. 
  • Romantic. This time period is just so romantic. Ew. No, but I find the shift that occurs in this time period really interesting. Also, the music has such a fanciful feel to it. It's pleasant to listen to.
  • Film Music. We haven't discussed this in class yet, but this is what I picked out a while ago to do my presentation on. I'm really excited about this, because I love movies, so I think it'll be a really cool thing to look into how the music affects the overall story.

And, there ya go. A rather lame blog entry, but it is an entry nonetheless.
 Appreciate music. And appreciate this quote by Igor Stravinsky. If you don't know who he is, that's what Google is for. 

"My music is best understood by children and animals." [Igor Stravinsky] 

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