Tuesday, April 28, 2009

(noun) trib'-yah-LAY-shahn

Here I am, sitting in the school library. I'm people-watching, because I finished all my statistics homework within a reasonable amount of time today. I'm pretty sure that no one cares about how I spend the minutes of my free time, so if anyone actually is reading this, they are no doubt wondering 'why.' 

Why indeed. 

It's a good question. A lot is packed into that one three letter word. No matter what it's asked about, 'why' can easily be considered the Superman of questions (or whatever other comic book character you happen to think the most worthy, I guess). 

It's a heartbreaking question, to ask as well as to hear. Asking 'why' when you know that no one has a real answer, at least not one they're going to give you, is frustrating at best. It's tragically pitiful at worst. Being asked 'why' when you don't even know yourself is probably one of the hardest things, really whatever that 'why' might be relating to. It would be so much easier if life just was, without having to be explained. 

It's like in math class, where all the answers are just supposed to be. No questions asked. 2+2=4. But, in my statistics class, our instructor will constantly ask us 'why.' Why do you use the binomial formula in this instance, but not in the other instance? Why does the probability equal .5? 

But, then, you can ask 'why' about much more difficult things. Why am I so alone so much of the time? Why is he not talking to me anymore? Why is my life falling apart, when all the lives around me are staying perfectly intact?

Why indeed. 

For the most part, I don't have the answers. I don't know why the quartiles in a certain data set are what they are anymore than I know why you had to lose someone so important to you. I think I remember someone saying that it's not always important to have the answers, provided you can ask the right questions. 


As long as someone has the answers, I guess that's an acceptable statement. But, it doesn't give that qualifier. What's the point of asking questions if you never ever hear an answer? 

And yet, I'm never going to get all the answers to all my questions. Maybe I'll figure some out. Maybe someone will be able to tell me 'why' in a few circumstances. But, every question I have? There's no way all of those will be answered. Although it's kind of frustrating to think about, I'm pretty sure that most of my questions will remain unanswered. 

Such as, WHY is there an obnoxiously large dinosaur statue, painted with the most seizure-inducing colors, being stored in the back of library?

"Stuffed deer heads on walls are bad enough, but it's worse when they are wearing dark glasses and have streamers in their antlers because then you know they were enjoying themselves at a party when they were shot." [ellen degeneres = awesome]

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