Saturday, September 13, 2008

Midnights in October

It's one of those night again.
I'm up way too late, mostly because of my mad procrastination skills, but that's another story completely.
For the most part, my mind has been racing like crazy lately all the time, so that makes it hard to get anything done, especially sleep. I'm always thinking too much.
Like, about how people change.

More specifically, how I keep changing.
I'm definitely not the same person I was when a lot of people first met me. I'm for sure not the same person I was this time last year. And I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
I can feel myself changing now, too, whether for the better or not, I have no idea. So many things about me now are not what they were last fall. I think for the most part I'm still me, but I'm a different me than I used to be. Maybe I'm a better me, or maybe even I'm a worse me.
Or maybe the people around me are just changing, but that doesn't make sense, either.

I'm guessing my whole life is going to be like this: a series of changes in who I am, or at least how I am.
It would be easier if I didn't have to deal with constant change, but I doubt it would be as exciting.

I just wish I knew how long I'll be this me...the me that I am today...on October 9th, 2008.

Quote: "I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich" {Jane; 27 Dresses}

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Real Cynics Want You to Give Away Everything

Well. The main purpose of this post is to revel in how awesome I am at taking pictures of candles (see above).
Other than my candle pictures, I have very little to say.
Except that today is Swap Ideas Day and Sew Be It Day (which I would assume involves some sort of replacing buttons on various articles of clothing). So, knock yourself out.

And, I can't believe the emptiness around me. Everyone is so full of emptiness.
It sounds like such a feat is impossible, but thats really what I see everyday all the time. No one has any meaning.
Today in World Civ, we discussed Greek philosophy. The only reason philosophies exist is because they are there to fill an emptiness. When asked what the purpose of life was, so many people say things like:
whatever makes you happy.
Is happiness even fulfilling??
I used to think I would be happy once I was done with learning multiplication and division. Then it was Disney World. Then, I thought I would be happy once I got jeans from Hollister. Then it was finishing high school; once that's done and I can move on to better things, I will be so happy. Now, I'm waiting on even more things to make me happy.
I don't think happiness is even attainable. Sure, there are moments of happiness and those are amazing. Everyone loves to be happy. Everyone looks for things to make them happy. But, making that feeling perpetual...that is completely unattainable.
So, why spend your life on something that isn't even attainable?
Quote of the Day!: Although prepared for martyrdom, I prefer that it be postponed. {Sir Winston Churchill}

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You Wish You Knew This Before...

So. Today, September 9th, is what is known as Bonza Bottler Day.

{From the offical Bonza Bottler Day website:
What is Bonza Bottler Day?A Bonza Bottler Day is celebrated once a month when the number of the month coincides with the number of the day (Jan. 1, Feb. 2, March 3, etc.). When the number of the year also coincides with the number of the day and month (July 7, 1997), there is reason to have a bigger celebration (more food, more friends and more decorations). We call this a Bodacious Bonza Bottler Day. Bodacious means "extraordinary, impressively great in size, or enormous." A baby born on a Bonza Bottler Day is known as a Bonza Bottler Baby which makes those birthday celebrations doubly special.The mascot is a dancing groundhog (which has for many years celebrated on Feb. 2) that is strewing confetti and laughing amid the logo, "I Celebrate Bonza Bottler Day." }

Unfortunately, since September 9th is close to being over, this means that I will need to postpone my Bonza Bottler Day Celebratory party until October 10th, 2008.
But, at the same time, I think I'll be ok with missing this celebration. In the month of September alone, there are so many obscurely wonderful holidays to enjoy. However, since this is my first post of September, I feel it my duty to inform you of the greatest celebrations that the entire month of September is dedicated to.

September is...

...Biscuit Month (mmmmmmmm gooood)

...Fall Hat Month (what constitutes as a "fall hat" exactly?)

...Hug a Texas Chef Month (I will be on the look out for such a chef; you should be too)

...National Chicken Month (there are two ways to observe this month: eat lots of chicken in an effort to enjoy that aspect of chicken; or eat no chicken in order to respect the chicken's feelings on that matter)

...National Coupon Month (it's for REAL:

These are just a few of the many, many things that September is dedicated to celebrating. I trust that you will have a splendid September, while eating biscuits and chicken made by a texan chef wearing a fall hat, who is in need of hugging but is completely occupied with cutting coupons from the Sunday paper.
Quote of the day: "I never made a mistake in my life. I thought I did once, but I was wrong" ~Lucy Van Pelt